Current daily fees – April 2024
Please note: The sessions above are our set sessions; early finishing times will not be deducted.
Childcare funding from April 2024
A consumable charge of £1.00 per funded hour will be charged for children who are in receipt of funding for 2, 3 & 4 year old.
For example a child who attends...
- 9-12 session (3 hours) would cost £3.00
- 3 full days a week 8-5.30=28.5 hours a week over 50 weeks of the year are entitled to 8.5 hours of funded hours weekly. (20 hours x £7.15ph =£143.00 8.5 hours x £1.00ph =£8.50 3 x lunches £3.55 =£10.65 Total £162.15)
Those children who are eligible for EYPP (Early Years Pupil premium) will not be charges the consumable fee
Help with childcare costs
There are several ways in which financial help is provided towards childcare. Each of the support systems has differing qualifying criteria which you can find out more information about at the Childcare Choices website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
- Childcare Element of Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credits
- Tax-free Childcare
- Free Early Years Entitlement
If you would like more information on tax credits or benefits you may be entitled to, please visit www.gov.uk/browse/benefits/tax-credits.
Included within our fees...
Breakfast - cereals, fresh fruit, yoghurt and wholemeal toast (for children who arrive at 8am) with a drink of fresh milk or water.
Morning & Afternoon snack - fruit, vegetables, breadsticks, crackers, oat cakes, rice cakes and corn cakes.
Vegetarian, vegan and a range of free from foods - for any intolerances, preferences or allergies
Nappies, Cheeky Wipes (as part of our commitment to the environment we use reusable cloth baby wipes)
Sun cream - child friendly and factor 30 minimum
Terms and Conditions
Deposit and Fees
If you wish to book your child into Kinder Park Nursery, a £75 deposit is required. Unless your child is attending nursery on a Nursery Grant Funded place only.
The deposit is refunded when one calendar month’s written notice is given to inform us your child is leaving nursery and the final month’s invoice is paid in full. Deposits are non-refundable if you cancel the nursery place or if you fail to take up the nursery place before your child starts.
Deposit returns are by bank transfer after your child has left the nursery.
Fees are calculated and divided into 12 equal monthly payments., for children who attend all year. Lunches will be added monthly.
The sessions above are our set sessions; early finishing times will not be deducted
All fees are due on the 1st of the month for that month. Any additional sessions will be added to your monthly invoice. Payment due within 7 days of invoice date.
Payment can be made by BACS, Tax-free childcare or childcare vouchers.
Full fees are payable from the agreed start date, as set out in the offer of a nursery place letter (full fees are applicable once your child has settled into nursery without a parent/carer present) If you decide to delay your child’s start date, fees are still payable from the original start date.
We may increase our charges once per year, we will give you written notice of any such increase, one month before the proposed date of increase.
Settling in sessions
Parents are advised to follow Kinder Park Nursery's settling in policy
Parents are encouraged to stay with their child for the first visit, approximately 1 hour
Parents will be charged for the time they leave their child in the care of Kinder Park Nursery during the settling in session
Absence and Holidays
Full fees will be charged for your child’s first two weeks of absence due to illness and occasional day’s absences
Your child is entitled to three week’s holiday throughout the year where no charge is made (beginning of September to end of August). Please note children in receipt of free entitlement will not be able to transfer their free entitlement to another time whilst they are off on holiday, if holidays are taken during the school term. If your child attends on a Term Time only place, they would not be eligible to the 3 week's holiday entitlement. At least one calendar months’ notice must be given if your child is away on holiday, or full fees will be charged
At least one calendar month' notice must be given if your child is away on holiday, or full fees will be charged, please email the office info@kinderpark.co.uk to notify us of holiday dates.
We do not allow a reduction of hours during school holidays. We have a very limited number of term time only places available
Increase and decrease in Nursery Sessions
We require ONE CALENDAR month’s written notice for all changes, please email the office info@kinderpark.co.uk to notify us of changes.
Early arrivals and late collections
Please do not arrive too early for any of the sessions. Only early or late arrivals and collections are by previous arrangements
A late collection charge of £20.00 will be charged to parents for the first 15 minutes and then £10.00 for each 15 minutes thereafter
Personal belongings
We always try to ensure your child’s personal belongings and clothes are looked after. However, accidents do occur. Kinder Park Nursery will not be held responsible for any damaged or lost personal belongings
Discounts are available for more than one child in the same family at a rate of 5% for the second child
ONE CALENDAR month’s written notice - The period of duration from the same date of one month to the same date of the next month. For example, the duration from 21st January to 20th February.
These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
Term Dates
For full information on school term and holiday dates in Cumbria, please visit http://www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/termdates.asp.