Parents and Carers as Partners
All families are important and can be assured of a friendly welcome from staff. This helps to create effective communication enabling information and knowledge to be shared between parents and practitioners. An effective partnership between parents and practitioners provides an ‘enabling environment’ for the children, allowing us to meet individual needs which results in a positive impact for learning and development.
Parents can visit the setting at any time and if they have a special skill or interest e.g. cookery, music, dance, or gardening, they are welcome to share this with the children.
Kinder Park aims to provide partnership working between parents/carers and practitioners. We value sharing of information e.g. regarding observations made of progression in learning and development about children at home and in nursery. An online profile recording progression in learning and development will be completed and shared with parents/carers. We welcome contributions to this profile from parents, allowing us to collaborate the information together. Your childs ‘Tapestry’ learning journey contains observations we make, photos and videos we take throughout your childs time at nursery, gradually building up a picture of your childs learning. Having this learning journey online provides an excellent opportunity for us to share information about your childs learning and achievements with you. You can add comments so that we as staff can find out which interests and activities your child really enjoys and the learning they get up to at home. An opportunity for parents and practitioners to discuss this profile and the learning, development and individual needs of their child is provided at parent’s evenings, or any other time.
An ‘all about me’ information questionnaire will be completed by parents when the child first starts nursery and as they progress through each room, allowing us to be aware of and follow individual preferences, interests and techniques adopted at home.
We are actively seeking to take on parents thoughts about our nursery to ensure we provide the highest possible standard of care to each of our families. We monitor our quality of service through ‘ceeda’ ( online questionnaires, which are sent to parents through e-mail periodically.
We have parent representatives who are involved in our monthly review of the nursery policies and procedures, their comments and suggestions are valued. All parents/carers comments are welcome. A comment box is located in the main hallway for ideas, comments and suggestions.